Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You want me to recite what?!!!

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation
under God,
with liberty and justice for all.

Remember back in school when you recited this? You probably made fun of it as well. Trying to do your best Elmer Fudd imitation to make others laugh. But every morning during homeroom, you said it without question when the first bell sounded and right before role call. Did we take this action for granted or something? Why all of a sudden these 32 words are offensive? Oh excuse me, the one word is offensive? It says God. Well if you're that offended by the word, why are you touching money and spending it? It should burn your hand since the word God is written all over it. As a matter of fact, the coins in your pocket should burn a hole since it has the word God on it as well. Could this be the reason why some Americans have forgotten it as well? What reasons DO we have in forgetting the pledge?

I can see the confusion in all this and understand all arguments that some families have against this pledge, they teach there own the belief of no God. How dare they you're screaming. There is a God. Well thats the great thing about this country, freedoms. If they choose not to believe there is a God, you let them and leave them alone. Well it's interfering with our way of life, you're screaming out now. This country was founded on the belief in God. Oh that is so true, and trust me, I believe that, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either when someone chooses not to recognize. Neither should you. There is one thing that makes me boil though, the misrepresentation of what the pledge is. It is not a prayer or any attempt to get someone to follow the teachings of God. It is a simple pledge that states the facts.

We were created as one nation under God by the forefathers of this country. The one key word to focus in on from all this is "I-N-D-I-V-I-S-I-B-L-E. It's not invisible, there is a "D" and an "I" between the letters "N" and "V". We're supposed to be together in all that we do as a country. Here we are at the cross roads again. This time a school won't let the kids VOLUNTARILY say the pledge. It is because they can't find teachers to recite it. Time for the irrational outburst....ARE YOU F'ING KIDDIN ME?!!!! For once in a long time, a group of students came together, indivisible, and stated as one, we would like to say the pledge. Hmmmmmm.......hate to make note of this but this is where we're at, I guess thats okay for the school not to allow this since the President of these United States can't salute or place his hand over his heart when the National Anthem is played is a sign of the times. Just so you know, God is not mentioned anywhere in the national Anthem. Just an example of the freedom of expression and how divided we've become as a nation.

I applaud the kids of this Massachusetts school who wanted to say the pledge, you're great Americans. When you look back on things, when I grew up, we were taught ot be Americans. Even through the struggles of racism, we were taught to stand proud and along side all other races. We were all equals in this country and it's enforced by the one word that unifies the nation...INDIVISIBLE. All people, regardless of how they feel about God, stand under one flag and should make a pledge to it. When it gets to the "G" word, just don't say it. What harm could it do? Now here we are at a different road where teachers do not know the pledge. WOW!!! Has it been this long since we've kicked it out of the classroom? Maybe those educators don't know it because it was their generation affected by the ban on saying the pledge. Anyway, enough of my jibber jabber about something I clearly do not know nothing about. I'm not an educator. I was just a plain ol simple Soldier who's trying to understand where it all went wrong. Through writing and your response, we all can learn something. Until then, try reciting the pledge and see if you remember. Thanks for stopping by Stretch's Corner. These are just my thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. When my niece was two years old, she recited the pledge right down to saying "indivisible" without saying it wrong. I remember how my jaw hit the table. No one knew where she had learned it. It isn't that we wouldn't have taught it to her eventually, but at two years old, who knew she could retain it? My point? If a two year old can learn it without any influence, why can't a teacher in Massachusetts google it?
