Friday, June 25, 2010

"What Government???"

We can walk through life and miss a lot of things because if it indirectly affects our lives, we can feel that it has no play in the game we play call living our lives. I read through various posts on Face Book and see several comments about President Obama and think to myself, DAMN!!! Have we really gotten so far gone that we pray for someone to die? WOW!!! That one man is responsible for failures that have occurred in office? The funny part about all this is, we as a nation won't feel the effects of his policies until 6 years from now so whoever is in office then better watch out if things aren't working right. It makes me wonder about what we really know about the constitution. I'm not an educated man. I'm just a simple guy next door who did a lot of time as a Soldier and have been under the call of the President. I mean he is the boss of the military. If theres anyone that should be angr about who is sitting in that office are the service members that serve this country. I'll go off on that tangent later on so back to teh government.

Who should we really be angry with? I can guarantee that the majority of people who read this don't know that our politicians who serve in the Senate and the Congress do not pay into Social Security. They have a retirement plan that solidifies their future after office. Even their spouse is paid an allowance of ridiculous amount of money. So much that an indigent family could live comfortably for the year. Kind of makes you wonder why that money is not used for something else. Yeah thats tax payer money to pay for that by the way. Bottom line as talk assumes around the water cooler, if you're a con artist, you can be a politician. They talk a great game and what do they do when things aren't right....HEY, IT'S THE PRESIDENTS FAULT!! Give me a break. It's this country. We are corrupt from top to bottom. This is why I say this. Any country that allows you to sue a business because the coffee was too hot and you spilled it in your lap, we are destined for mediocrity and will play the blame game forever. It's always someone else's fault. Hell the government is suing the state of Arizona for a law put in place to protect the citizens of Arizona. What the hell kind of crap is that. You don't have to like President Obama but you can't blame hiim for everything. You have to look at your state representatives first before you step to that level. It's funny what you read in the Constitution. Dictatorship is not allowed in this country so how can one be blamed? I forgot, we're in the mighty USA and our Constitutional Rights say we can. I say read that document again in it's entirety and rethink your position but no harm if you want to think that. I'm not here to change your mind.

Now here's what I know is a fact. The President of the United States is the BOSS of the Armed Services. Those that wear the uniform answer to the President's beckoning call. Even though each service has a different birthdate, they all have one day in common....MEMORIAL DAY. Ceremonies take place all over the services to pay tribute to the fallen. This is our one united day. Anyone that holds that office, in the eyes of the servicemember, must be at one ceremony. They must place the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There have been several President's who have chosen to take a vacation during that time and had the Vice President, or someone else, do the job for the President. You can look on any wall in any company in the Armed Services and I can guarantee you will not see the Vice Presidents picture anywhere. Where you lead, we follow. So if you're telling me that Memorial Day isn't important to you, that behavior will trickle down and out fallen are just that, unimportant. I remember a time when the ceremony was announced on television before Memorial Day came. Then on Memorial Day, it was seen on every major channel. What happened? I was talking to this old Marine friend of mine and he summed it all up. He said. "Stretch, the generations from the 70's down were taught to be Americans. We've lost that somewhere when the Pledge was taken out of the schools." There's your government people. All put together by one old Marine. I leave you with this...............Who are you gonna vote for when the Senators and the Congressman takes the podium to profess their undying love for this country? Don't worry, I don't know either. Hard to trust someone you don't know. Thanks for stopping by Stretch's Corner.

1 comment:

  1. My grandfather was Army in WWII. He fought and died for his country. None of his grandchildren ever met him, but we were all proud as hell of him.

    When I was a girl, my grandmother used to take me to this little country store. The whole place was decorated with WWII posters. Folks of her generation talked about the war as if it was still happening or only happened in the recent past. My step-grandfather was a Marine. I remember asking him once what his experience in "the war" was like because he never really talked about that. He said, "that's a question I'm never going to answer for you and I sincerely hope you never have an answer for." My father was in the Navy and my step-son is in the Marines. I have more than a healthy respect for all military.

    I remember saying the pledge in school and even singing the National Anthem at Braves games on the 4th of July. I believe in America and am proud as hell to live here.

    I agree with you Stretch, something has changed. It isn't even just the government. Some basic something that you and I had growing up where a man's word was his bond and that meant something. Now, there's always someone "else" to blame and I am just sad when I hear politicians (on both sides) lie straight to the American people and there is every appearance that some people are just buying all that garbage.

    I don't wish Obama ill. I pray for him every night. Like most folks, I just want someone up there to lead this country and tell me the straight skinny without talking sideways at me giving me the impression that they think all us little guys are just plain idiots.

    I do think it speaks volumes when you don't show up for Memorial Day and well aware that this year wasn't the first year that got missed.

    I just wish there was a way to make Americans proud to be Americans again.
