I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation
under God,
with liberty and justice for all.
Remember back in school when you recited this? You probably made fun of it as well. Trying to do your best Elmer Fudd imitation to make others laugh. But every morning during homeroom, you said it without question when the first bell sounded and right before role call. Did we take this action for granted or something? Why all of a sudden these 32 words are offensive? Oh excuse me, the one word is offensive? It says God. Well if you're that offended by the word, why are you touching money and spending it? It should burn your hand since the word God is written all over it. As a matter of fact, the coins in your pocket should burn a hole since it has the word God on it as well. Could this be the reason why some Americans have forgotten it as well? What reasons DO we have in forgetting the pledge?
I can see the confusion in all this and understand all arguments that some families have against this pledge, they teach there own the belief of no God. How dare they you're screaming. There is a God. Well thats the great thing about this country, freedoms. If they choose not to believe there is a God, you let them and leave them alone. Well it's interfering with our way of life, you're screaming out now. This country was founded on the belief in God. Oh that is so true, and trust me, I believe that, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either when someone chooses not to recognize. Neither should you. There is one thing that makes me boil though, the misrepresentation of what the pledge is. It is not a prayer or any attempt to get someone to follow the teachings of God. It is a simple pledge that states the facts.
We were created as one nation under God by the forefathers of this country. The one key word to focus in on from all this is "I-N-D-I-V-I-S-I-B-L-E. It's not invisible, there is a "D" and an "I" between the letters "N" and "V". We're supposed to be together in all that we do as a country. Here we are at the cross roads again. This time a school won't let the kids VOLUNTARILY say the pledge. It is because they can't find teachers to recite it. Time for the irrational outburst....ARE YOU F'ING KIDDIN ME?!!!! For once in a long time, a group of students came together, indivisible, and stated as one, we would like to say the pledge. Hmmmmmm.......hate to make note of this but this is where we're at, I guess thats okay for the school not to allow this since the President of these United States can't salute or place his hand over his heart when the National Anthem is played is a sign of the times. Just so you know, God is not mentioned anywhere in the national Anthem. Just an example of the freedom of expression and how divided we've become as a nation.
I applaud the kids of this Massachusetts school who wanted to say the pledge, you're great Americans. When you look back on things, when I grew up, we were taught ot be Americans. Even through the struggles of racism, we were taught to stand proud and along side all other races. We were all equals in this country and it's enforced by the one word that unifies the nation...INDIVISIBLE. All people, regardless of how they feel about God, stand under one flag and should make a pledge to it. When it gets to the "G" word, just don't say it. What harm could it do? Now here we are at a different road where teachers do not know the pledge. WOW!!! Has it been this long since we've kicked it out of the classroom? Maybe those educators don't know it because it was their generation affected by the ban on saying the pledge. Anyway, enough of my jibber jabber about something I clearly do not know nothing about. I'm not an educator. I was just a plain ol simple Soldier who's trying to understand where it all went wrong. Through writing and your response, we all can learn something. Until then, try reciting the pledge and see if you remember. Thanks for stopping by Stretch's Corner. These are just my thoughts.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
This is It!!!
I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life
It's gonna feel real good
gonna make a difference
gonna make it right......
When I first heard the words of this song, it became my anthem to change and making a difference in lives of Soldiers. The mirror holds the key to change and it’s always there every morning reminding you that the reflection you see is the person you are. It’s funny how music can influence your life. It can pep you up when your energy is low. It can heal your heart when you’re feeling sad. It can bring a smile as it reminds you of a funny moment from your past. The “King of Pop” Michael Jackson had that knack to create music that inspired generations and it continues on even though he’s gone. I was asked by a good friend to blog about MJ and I think we’re off to a good start. To describe his career, one word sums it up…..WOW!!!! No matter how much you despise, loath, feel sorry for, there has to be one of his songs you listened to. By some standards, many Americans would say MJ was a weird fellow. The tabloids labeled him “Wacko Jacko”. Harsh words about a man who people failed to really try and understand. It was impossible to understand the man because no one can get near him to try. He lived his whole life protected from everyone. To say he lived a sheltered life is really an understatement.
At the tender and influential age of 5, MJ was thrust into the limelight of performing for television shows and concerts. He immediately went into witness protection as I call it, by his father to protect him from crazed fans who wanted a piece of him and his brothers. I can’t imagine what that was like. As a child, I could come and go as I pleased. I had a lot of other young kids to play with in the neighborhood. MJ couldn’t make friends like you and I because of a paranoid over protective father. All he had was music to channel his emotions. If you listen to his early music, you can hear in the lyrics how he aged through the years. There was no other release for all those childhood inhibitions. All that energy he had was channeled into performing. He went through the early years longing to be child and growing up like you and I but fame robbed him of this. On the 20th Motown Celebration, he broke free of the family and he was off on his own.
MJ was young and had a lot of money to do whatever he pleased. Think back to when you were a child; did you have weird obsession of animals you would like to have for a pet? Tell me you didn’t think once while visiting the zoo as a child that man, monkeys are so funny and cool, wish I could have one. Don’t lie to yourself. You know you thought that. What was the first thing MJ bought? He bought a damn monkey. As adults, we don’t see those childhood fantasies we had anymore because we are molded to think rationally as we get older. MJ didn’t have that. Although he was now a young man, his thoughts were still that of a child and the adult only came out in performing. The older he got, it appeared to me that the child was trying to break free and control MJ’s off the stage persona. Never Never Land theme park in his back yard and the zoo was put in place for him to excise that child in him. You could see the conflict in his world through his videos. The crotch grabbing became more of his signature mark than his leg kick and the moonwalk. The one video where he went off on a tirade of smashing a car to pieces was a defining moment in his career.
Those families that brought their kids over saw an opportunity and seized on it. This is why I’m so direct in saying this. If we’re adults and we’re taught through life to think rationally, would we leave our kids with a man who we feel is unstable? I’m not making a plea for MJ’s innocence; I’m just stating a common sense moment. I could take someone I know who loves MJ to death and ask, would you leave your kids with MJ? Her answer would be HELL NO!!! The first case is an obvious one where claims were made. The family took the money and ran. You’re probably telling yourself that this action of paying makes him guilty. Rewind, you’re thinking as a rational adult, MJ is a child in mind, remember. That will always make you look guilty to the public as well as the legal system. Instead of going through a courtroom disaster where all of your world will be displayed even more to the public, MJ chose the right route. The second time however, the adult in him was screaming enough is enough. No one’s getting any money and I’m going to make my case. Now if you don’t think MJ was a child in mind, think back to his pre-courtroom out on the streets. Jumping on top of his limo and doing impromptu performances. Normal people would’ve just waved and walked into the court house. Even through his obvious illnesses encountered through the trial, he played them up as a child would. Think about kids and how they act around adults. They always try to get your attention and gain your love by doing something stupid. They jump up and give performances at any given moment during the family gatherings, BBQs and things of this nature. There’s no excuse as an adult for his behavior but you cannot dismiss what you have now read as I saw MJ.
I do miss his music and I do miss him performing. I’m not ashamed to say that I loved his music. I loved his performances because you were always going to get a show. I went to one of his concerts in Europe and let me just say this; I have never seen a concert that could match his energy and attention to detail. So as I put on my one glove with the rhinestones for sparkle, my piano keyboard T-shirt with the notes waving above them, and my red zipper jacket I say thank you MJ for assisting me to change the man in the mirror. Now MJ, I will be honest, there’s no way I’m wearing this in public. I have a reputation to uphold. Thanks for stopping by Stretch’s Corner. These are just my thoughts.
It's gonna feel real good
gonna make a difference
gonna make it right......
When I first heard the words of this song, it became my anthem to change and making a difference in lives of Soldiers. The mirror holds the key to change and it’s always there every morning reminding you that the reflection you see is the person you are. It’s funny how music can influence your life. It can pep you up when your energy is low. It can heal your heart when you’re feeling sad. It can bring a smile as it reminds you of a funny moment from your past. The “King of Pop” Michael Jackson had that knack to create music that inspired generations and it continues on even though he’s gone. I was asked by a good friend to blog about MJ and I think we’re off to a good start. To describe his career, one word sums it up…..WOW!!!! No matter how much you despise, loath, feel sorry for, there has to be one of his songs you listened to. By some standards, many Americans would say MJ was a weird fellow. The tabloids labeled him “Wacko Jacko”. Harsh words about a man who people failed to really try and understand. It was impossible to understand the man because no one can get near him to try. He lived his whole life protected from everyone. To say he lived a sheltered life is really an understatement.
At the tender and influential age of 5, MJ was thrust into the limelight of performing for television shows and concerts. He immediately went into witness protection as I call it, by his father to protect him from crazed fans who wanted a piece of him and his brothers. I can’t imagine what that was like. As a child, I could come and go as I pleased. I had a lot of other young kids to play with in the neighborhood. MJ couldn’t make friends like you and I because of a paranoid over protective father. All he had was music to channel his emotions. If you listen to his early music, you can hear in the lyrics how he aged through the years. There was no other release for all those childhood inhibitions. All that energy he had was channeled into performing. He went through the early years longing to be child and growing up like you and I but fame robbed him of this. On the 20th Motown Celebration, he broke free of the family and he was off on his own.
MJ was young and had a lot of money to do whatever he pleased. Think back to when you were a child; did you have weird obsession of animals you would like to have for a pet? Tell me you didn’t think once while visiting the zoo as a child that man, monkeys are so funny and cool, wish I could have one. Don’t lie to yourself. You know you thought that. What was the first thing MJ bought? He bought a damn monkey. As adults, we don’t see those childhood fantasies we had anymore because we are molded to think rationally as we get older. MJ didn’t have that. Although he was now a young man, his thoughts were still that of a child and the adult only came out in performing. The older he got, it appeared to me that the child was trying to break free and control MJ’s off the stage persona. Never Never Land theme park in his back yard and the zoo was put in place for him to excise that child in him. You could see the conflict in his world through his videos. The crotch grabbing became more of his signature mark than his leg kick and the moonwalk. The one video where he went off on a tirade of smashing a car to pieces was a defining moment in his career.
Those families that brought their kids over saw an opportunity and seized on it. This is why I’m so direct in saying this. If we’re adults and we’re taught through life to think rationally, would we leave our kids with a man who we feel is unstable? I’m not making a plea for MJ’s innocence; I’m just stating a common sense moment. I could take someone I know who loves MJ to death and ask, would you leave your kids with MJ? Her answer would be HELL NO!!! The first case is an obvious one where claims were made. The family took the money and ran. You’re probably telling yourself that this action of paying makes him guilty. Rewind, you’re thinking as a rational adult, MJ is a child in mind, remember. That will always make you look guilty to the public as well as the legal system. Instead of going through a courtroom disaster where all of your world will be displayed even more to the public, MJ chose the right route. The second time however, the adult in him was screaming enough is enough. No one’s getting any money and I’m going to make my case. Now if you don’t think MJ was a child in mind, think back to his pre-courtroom out on the streets. Jumping on top of his limo and doing impromptu performances. Normal people would’ve just waved and walked into the court house. Even through his obvious illnesses encountered through the trial, he played them up as a child would. Think about kids and how they act around adults. They always try to get your attention and gain your love by doing something stupid. They jump up and give performances at any given moment during the family gatherings, BBQs and things of this nature. There’s no excuse as an adult for his behavior but you cannot dismiss what you have now read as I saw MJ.
I do miss his music and I do miss him performing. I’m not ashamed to say that I loved his music. I loved his performances because you were always going to get a show. I went to one of his concerts in Europe and let me just say this; I have never seen a concert that could match his energy and attention to detail. So as I put on my one glove with the rhinestones for sparkle, my piano keyboard T-shirt with the notes waving above them, and my red zipper jacket I say thank you MJ for assisting me to change the man in the mirror. Now MJ, I will be honest, there’s no way I’m wearing this in public. I have a reputation to uphold. Thanks for stopping by Stretch’s Corner. These are just my thoughts.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Why the title GO USA!!! I find irony in all things for some reason. Being a strong supporter of all things USA, it doesn't stop with sports. Sports are the only thing that can bring a nation together besides tragedy. Too bad it only lasts as long as the sporting event does when a team representing the USA doesn't win. Even when they do win, the celebration together lasts about 30 days before people continue on with their daily lives. For a moment, we even forget about those in harms way. World Cup soccer will lose its luster now since Team USA was eliminated by Ghana. People will now move on. No more watching TV on the sidewalk blocking traffic hoping Team USA will pull out another miracle. We find reasons to wave a flag anyway. Show fleeting support for about 5 minutes then something more important comes along. The way we are as Americans is funny when you think about it. I am being facetious about this too. If I were to ask the following where were you questions, what would the average American respond with?
1. Where were you when Team USA beat Russia in Ice Hockey?
2. Where were you when the Women’s Soccer Team won the World Cup?
3. Where you were when the Pittsburgh Steelers won their 6th Super Bowl not that you probably like them?
4. Where were you when Lebron James was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers?
5. Where were you when Kobe Bryant won his 5th NBA Championship?
6. Where were you when the men’s soccer team was eliminated from the World Cup by Ghana? (That’s an easy one, it just happened)
There are a lot of Americans who can answer those questions without hesitation and there are definitely several more I could ask. Answer the following questions and see if you know the answer.
1. Where you were when Iraq invaded a small country called Kuwait?
2. Where were you when a KAL flight was shot down by North Korea?
3. Where were you when that Black Hawk went down in Somalia?
4. Where were you when LTC Ollie North testified before the Senate Committee that the most dangerous man in the world is Osama Bin Laden?
5. Where were you during the events of 9/11? (be ashamed if you can’t answer that one)
So, what am I saying? You’re not American if you can’t answer the second group of questions? No. What I’m saying is its funny how sports can dilute what is happening in the world. Sports help us forget, even for a moment. We always find a way to hide the pain and sorrow behind cheering for our favorite professional team and our national teams when they are playing. Why is that? I’m not saying it’s wrong but we damn sure forget totally. We have to be reminded of those horrific events in order to really think about what we were doing and where we were. Not everyone falls into this category of course. This nation needs to wrap around everything that’s American. What does this mean? We’re too busy separating ourselves from each other by our own personal views walking away from someone because we disagree. In anger we say horrible things that separate us further instead of embracing the others opinion to understand why they feel that way about a particular subject. Until tragedy, these individuals will walk separate lives and their differences take a back seat to the chaos. Now throw in a World Cup soccer game involving Team USA, these two will embrace and cheer together. This will last as long as the event. Why not continue that type of support for the nation as a whole on a daily basis? Sorry, I forget freewill is unique in this country. We can’t do that. I’m admittedly an avid fan of sports. I’m not to the point where I can truly hold an argument about who was the best player all time in any particular sport; I would just press someone’s buttons for the hell of it because those sports fans truly do not see anything other than their own research and hate anyone that opposes them. Once again, I forgot. Our arrogance as Americans precedes us in any discussion; even if it’s among other Americans. I have found that there’s no way we can stand together unless there’s a tragedy or Team USA is playing in some sporting event. I guess that’s why only one percent of Americans serve in the Armed Services. Even in disagreement, they still stand together for the common cause. They embrace the name Team USA on a daily basis. They can set aside their differences at a moments notice. They are the true example of what America is all about. Stand up and cheer them. Applaud them as they walk by. You know what though; they would just bow their heads out of respect for you because at least you took the time to recognize them. They don’t do it to see their faces on TV. They’re not there to have their problems and issues splattered all over the media. They definitely don’t do it for the money. They do it for the love of this country despite the differences that are internal and publicized on the nightly news. Take an example America. Drive to the nearest military installation and take a peek. You will see the real Team USA going through physical training together and doing their jobs together. Stand up and be proud of them because they do represent you. Thanks for visiting Stretch’s Corner. These are just my thoughts.
1. Where were you when Team USA beat Russia in Ice Hockey?
2. Where were you when the Women’s Soccer Team won the World Cup?
3. Where you were when the Pittsburgh Steelers won their 6th Super Bowl not that you probably like them?
4. Where were you when Lebron James was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers?
5. Where were you when Kobe Bryant won his 5th NBA Championship?
6. Where were you when the men’s soccer team was eliminated from the World Cup by Ghana? (That’s an easy one, it just happened)
There are a lot of Americans who can answer those questions without hesitation and there are definitely several more I could ask. Answer the following questions and see if you know the answer.
1. Where you were when Iraq invaded a small country called Kuwait?
2. Where were you when a KAL flight was shot down by North Korea?
3. Where were you when that Black Hawk went down in Somalia?
4. Where were you when LTC Ollie North testified before the Senate Committee that the most dangerous man in the world is Osama Bin Laden?
5. Where were you during the events of 9/11? (be ashamed if you can’t answer that one)
So, what am I saying? You’re not American if you can’t answer the second group of questions? No. What I’m saying is its funny how sports can dilute what is happening in the world. Sports help us forget, even for a moment. We always find a way to hide the pain and sorrow behind cheering for our favorite professional team and our national teams when they are playing. Why is that? I’m not saying it’s wrong but we damn sure forget totally. We have to be reminded of those horrific events in order to really think about what we were doing and where we were. Not everyone falls into this category of course. This nation needs to wrap around everything that’s American. What does this mean? We’re too busy separating ourselves from each other by our own personal views walking away from someone because we disagree. In anger we say horrible things that separate us further instead of embracing the others opinion to understand why they feel that way about a particular subject. Until tragedy, these individuals will walk separate lives and their differences take a back seat to the chaos. Now throw in a World Cup soccer game involving Team USA, these two will embrace and cheer together. This will last as long as the event. Why not continue that type of support for the nation as a whole on a daily basis? Sorry, I forget freewill is unique in this country. We can’t do that. I’m admittedly an avid fan of sports. I’m not to the point where I can truly hold an argument about who was the best player all time in any particular sport; I would just press someone’s buttons for the hell of it because those sports fans truly do not see anything other than their own research and hate anyone that opposes them. Once again, I forgot. Our arrogance as Americans precedes us in any discussion; even if it’s among other Americans. I have found that there’s no way we can stand together unless there’s a tragedy or Team USA is playing in some sporting event. I guess that’s why only one percent of Americans serve in the Armed Services. Even in disagreement, they still stand together for the common cause. They embrace the name Team USA on a daily basis. They can set aside their differences at a moments notice. They are the true example of what America is all about. Stand up and cheer them. Applaud them as they walk by. You know what though; they would just bow their heads out of respect for you because at least you took the time to recognize them. They don’t do it to see their faces on TV. They’re not there to have their problems and issues splattered all over the media. They definitely don’t do it for the money. They do it for the love of this country despite the differences that are internal and publicized on the nightly news. Take an example America. Drive to the nearest military installation and take a peek. You will see the real Team USA going through physical training together and doing their jobs together. Stand up and be proud of them because they do represent you. Thanks for visiting Stretch’s Corner. These are just my thoughts.
The Runaway General?!!!
People screamed for the head of the US Forces in Afghanistan this past week and I guess they got their wish. The news reported that he was bad mouthing the President and undermining his authority. His staff was out of control with no respect to civilian authority. All of this based off and article in Rolling Stone magazine. So let’s take a look back at all these accusations that led to the dismissal of General McChrystal.
Without first speaking with the President, when asked what it would take to win the war in Afghanistan, GEN McChyrstal responded with 40,000 more troops in the region because he was asked a direct question and he gave a direct answer. I think he had a good idea of what he needed since he's been in the fight since the start of this war against terrorism. I'm just saying. I guess a precedence has been set amongst the leaders of the military, you don't know what you need until you speak with the boss first. Let’s put that in perspective of someone who has no clue about how the military operates. We're nothing more than a big corporation. So let’s say you're in a company making widgets. Your CEO keeps making cutbacks that make it difficult to make these widgets. He's basing these cutbacks on input from personnel who have no clue on how to make these widgets and their assessment. These guys are smart on saving money but have no clue how to make these widgets. A reporter walks in and asks you, are you having difficulties making these widgets? How would you, as a employee of this company, answer this question? Hmmmm....well let me guess...you would keep your mouth shut because you're not going to put your job in jeopardy? I don't think so. You're going to say without question, in order for me to complete these widgets in complete satisfactory form; I'm going to need (blank). So how did he question anyone? Moral to this.....stop listening to the news anchor. Unless you've been there, don't throw stones and put your pride aside for once.
On another occasion, he was asked about the Vice Presidents policy for actions taken in Afghanistan and would he support. His response was given this information I would not support. Sorry to disappoint you all but that’s just like asking you about supporting your fellow co-worker about making widgets. If it doesn't make since, of course you would answer no I wouldn't support. He's the Vice President you're screaming. Sorry folks. He is not in the chain of command for the military unless the President goes down. He's just another co-worker. Here's some research you should think about doing and it's really based around a simple point. Basically this, can someone who has never done your job tell you how to do your job?
The Pat Tillman saga, I hate to say this, will always be the black mark. What if someone who served with him came and told you he was the worst Soldier ever? Not trying to put a black mark on him or anything but just saying. What if his celebrity status got him where he was and not his true skills? Has anyone ever thought about what it takes to be apart of an elite unit? This takes years and years of training. What’s the line here? Hell I don't know and you don't know either. It's all speculation of what happened. Only the Soldiers on the ground know. Let's just say he was not all that elite, would you want to be the Soldier who marred a great athlete's career and death? I'm going to say this. I don't know what happened or how he was as a Soldier. I never served with him. He did something I know 99.9% of professional athlete’s would not do....RAISE HIS RIGHT HAND and vowed to serve this great nation. He sacrificed money and fame to join side by side with his fellow Soldiers in Operation Enduring freedom. That’s what will be embedded in my mind.
Lastly, his staff speaks out. You're setting in the break room of the widget factory and your section boss isn't there to oversee what you're talking about. He's let you speak your mind before and he understands that making widgets can have its tough days. So you start talking and the reporter starts writing. Next thing you know, your section boss has been called to the CEO office and fired. Remember folks, that’s the precedence. Real time now folks. You work for a General who only sleeps 4 hours a night at most. He is constantly going out on patrol with Soldiers who are serving in theater. He has seen men die and so have you. Maybe you refuse to understand that when those deaths are needless and could’ve been avoided by a simple policy change, you tend to get a little pissed at the bosses who could've approved such changes. The armed services didn't request to be there, they were told to be there. Now you're back in the widget factory with an inability to do your job. What can you do? Well, you can quit and find another job. Not the Armed Services. You just can't quit. Didn't know that did you. Once your name is signed to that contract, you are held there until said contract is complete. Where you go is all up to the big machine that indicates where you are needed.
So who is General McChrystal? I don't know and guess what, neither do you. What I do know is this. I will not assume anything unless I am there to hear it. It's one thing that I've learned in my military career when trying to decide the fate of a Soldier when it is nothing more than a he said she said case (so to speak), there are two sides to every story. Failure to hear each side would seriously flaw your decision. I applaud the President for waiting to make a decision. He called the General to his office to hear him personally before he made his decision. Do I agree with it? Here's my answer. A Soldier kneeling down by an abandoned vehicle on a deserted road in Afghanistan is startled by a tall lanky man who kneels beside him. Politely he asks the man who is in the same uniform but unrecognizable as a member of his team, "Who the fuck are you?" The tall lanky man replies, "I'm fucking General McChystal" He understands the fight because he would not hesitate to go down there. He knows men and women who are involved in this war are under a lot of battle stress and speaking out is a form of relief to get through the day. He reaches down in the dirt with the lowest man in the military to understand AND know that every decision he makes is the right one. He takes the wrong decision to heart. For all this, he is respected by everyone who has served along side him. It is not normal for a 4 Star General to be this way. Their character is more political and reserved. Not General McChrystal because he was loved by all that served with him. So what would I've done if in the President's shoes? Don't know because I'm not privied to the information the President has to make such a decision so why should you say the General need's to go? On a personal note, I woulsay he made the worng decision but you shouldn't make decisions based off personal feelings. That's leadership 101. Thanks for visiting Stretch's corner. These are just my thoughts.
Without first speaking with the President, when asked what it would take to win the war in Afghanistan, GEN McChyrstal responded with 40,000 more troops in the region because he was asked a direct question and he gave a direct answer. I think he had a good idea of what he needed since he's been in the fight since the start of this war against terrorism. I'm just saying. I guess a precedence has been set amongst the leaders of the military, you don't know what you need until you speak with the boss first. Let’s put that in perspective of someone who has no clue about how the military operates. We're nothing more than a big corporation. So let’s say you're in a company making widgets. Your CEO keeps making cutbacks that make it difficult to make these widgets. He's basing these cutbacks on input from personnel who have no clue on how to make these widgets and their assessment. These guys are smart on saving money but have no clue how to make these widgets. A reporter walks in and asks you, are you having difficulties making these widgets? How would you, as a employee of this company, answer this question? Hmmmm....well let me guess...you would keep your mouth shut because you're not going to put your job in jeopardy? I don't think so. You're going to say without question, in order for me to complete these widgets in complete satisfactory form; I'm going to need (blank). So how did he question anyone? Moral to this.....stop listening to the news anchor. Unless you've been there, don't throw stones and put your pride aside for once.
On another occasion, he was asked about the Vice Presidents policy for actions taken in Afghanistan and would he support. His response was given this information I would not support. Sorry to disappoint you all but that’s just like asking you about supporting your fellow co-worker about making widgets. If it doesn't make since, of course you would answer no I wouldn't support. He's the Vice President you're screaming. Sorry folks. He is not in the chain of command for the military unless the President goes down. He's just another co-worker. Here's some research you should think about doing and it's really based around a simple point. Basically this, can someone who has never done your job tell you how to do your job?
The Pat Tillman saga, I hate to say this, will always be the black mark. What if someone who served with him came and told you he was the worst Soldier ever? Not trying to put a black mark on him or anything but just saying. What if his celebrity status got him where he was and not his true skills? Has anyone ever thought about what it takes to be apart of an elite unit? This takes years and years of training. What’s the line here? Hell I don't know and you don't know either. It's all speculation of what happened. Only the Soldiers on the ground know. Let's just say he was not all that elite, would you want to be the Soldier who marred a great athlete's career and death? I'm going to say this. I don't know what happened or how he was as a Soldier. I never served with him. He did something I know 99.9% of professional athlete’s would not do....RAISE HIS RIGHT HAND and vowed to serve this great nation. He sacrificed money and fame to join side by side with his fellow Soldiers in Operation Enduring freedom. That’s what will be embedded in my mind.
Lastly, his staff speaks out. You're setting in the break room of the widget factory and your section boss isn't there to oversee what you're talking about. He's let you speak your mind before and he understands that making widgets can have its tough days. So you start talking and the reporter starts writing. Next thing you know, your section boss has been called to the CEO office and fired. Remember folks, that’s the precedence. Real time now folks. You work for a General who only sleeps 4 hours a night at most. He is constantly going out on patrol with Soldiers who are serving in theater. He has seen men die and so have you. Maybe you refuse to understand that when those deaths are needless and could’ve been avoided by a simple policy change, you tend to get a little pissed at the bosses who could've approved such changes. The armed services didn't request to be there, they were told to be there. Now you're back in the widget factory with an inability to do your job. What can you do? Well, you can quit and find another job. Not the Armed Services. You just can't quit. Didn't know that did you. Once your name is signed to that contract, you are held there until said contract is complete. Where you go is all up to the big machine that indicates where you are needed.
So who is General McChrystal? I don't know and guess what, neither do you. What I do know is this. I will not assume anything unless I am there to hear it. It's one thing that I've learned in my military career when trying to decide the fate of a Soldier when it is nothing more than a he said she said case (so to speak), there are two sides to every story. Failure to hear each side would seriously flaw your decision. I applaud the President for waiting to make a decision. He called the General to his office to hear him personally before he made his decision. Do I agree with it? Here's my answer. A Soldier kneeling down by an abandoned vehicle on a deserted road in Afghanistan is startled by a tall lanky man who kneels beside him. Politely he asks the man who is in the same uniform but unrecognizable as a member of his team, "Who the fuck are you?" The tall lanky man replies, "I'm fucking General McChystal" He understands the fight because he would not hesitate to go down there. He knows men and women who are involved in this war are under a lot of battle stress and speaking out is a form of relief to get through the day. He reaches down in the dirt with the lowest man in the military to understand AND know that every decision he makes is the right one. He takes the wrong decision to heart. For all this, he is respected by everyone who has served along side him. It is not normal for a 4 Star General to be this way. Their character is more political and reserved. Not General McChrystal because he was loved by all that served with him. So what would I've done if in the President's shoes? Don't know because I'm not privied to the information the President has to make such a decision so why should you say the General need's to go? On a personal note, I woulsay he made the worng decision but you shouldn't make decisions based off personal feelings. That's leadership 101. Thanks for visiting Stretch's corner. These are just my thoughts.
Friday, June 25, 2010
"What Government???"
We can walk through life and miss a lot of things because if it indirectly affects our lives, we can feel that it has no play in the game we play call living our lives. I read through various posts on Face Book and see several comments about President Obama and think to myself, DAMN!!! Have we really gotten so far gone that we pray for someone to die? WOW!!! That one man is responsible for failures that have occurred in office? The funny part about all this is, we as a nation won't feel the effects of his policies until 6 years from now so whoever is in office then better watch out if things aren't working right. It makes me wonder about what we really know about the constitution. I'm not an educated man. I'm just a simple guy next door who did a lot of time as a Soldier and have been under the call of the President. I mean he is the boss of the military. If theres anyone that should be angr about who is sitting in that office are the service members that serve this country. I'll go off on that tangent later on so back to teh government.
Who should we really be angry with? I can guarantee that the majority of people who read this don't know that our politicians who serve in the Senate and the Congress do not pay into Social Security. They have a retirement plan that solidifies their future after office. Even their spouse is paid an allowance of ridiculous amount of money. So much that an indigent family could live comfortably for the year. Kind of makes you wonder why that money is not used for something else. Yeah thats tax payer money to pay for that by the way. Bottom line as talk assumes around the water cooler, if you're a con artist, you can be a politician. They talk a great game and what do they do when things aren't right....HEY, IT'S THE PRESIDENTS FAULT!! Give me a break. It's this country. We are corrupt from top to bottom. This is why I say this. Any country that allows you to sue a business because the coffee was too hot and you spilled it in your lap, we are destined for mediocrity and will play the blame game forever. It's always someone else's fault. Hell the government is suing the state of Arizona for a law put in place to protect the citizens of Arizona. What the hell kind of crap is that. You don't have to like President Obama but you can't blame hiim for everything. You have to look at your state representatives first before you step to that level. It's funny what you read in the Constitution. Dictatorship is not allowed in this country so how can one be blamed? I forgot, we're in the mighty USA and our Constitutional Rights say we can. I say read that document again in it's entirety and rethink your position but no harm if you want to think that. I'm not here to change your mind.
Now here's what I know is a fact. The President of the United States is the BOSS of the Armed Services. Those that wear the uniform answer to the President's beckoning call. Even though each service has a different birthdate, they all have one day in common....MEMORIAL DAY. Ceremonies take place all over the services to pay tribute to the fallen. This is our one united day. Anyone that holds that office, in the eyes of the servicemember, must be at one ceremony. They must place the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There have been several President's who have chosen to take a vacation during that time and had the Vice President, or someone else, do the job for the President. You can look on any wall in any company in the Armed Services and I can guarantee you will not see the Vice Presidents picture anywhere. Where you lead, we follow. So if you're telling me that Memorial Day isn't important to you, that behavior will trickle down and out fallen are just that, unimportant. I remember a time when the ceremony was announced on television before Memorial Day came. Then on Memorial Day, it was seen on every major channel. What happened? I was talking to this old Marine friend of mine and he summed it all up. He said. "Stretch, the generations from the 70's down were taught to be Americans. We've lost that somewhere when the Pledge was taken out of the schools." There's your government people. All put together by one old Marine. I leave you with this...............Who are you gonna vote for when the Senators and the Congressman takes the podium to profess their undying love for this country? Don't worry, I don't know either. Hard to trust someone you don't know. Thanks for stopping by Stretch's Corner.
Who should we really be angry with? I can guarantee that the majority of people who read this don't know that our politicians who serve in the Senate and the Congress do not pay into Social Security. They have a retirement plan that solidifies their future after office. Even their spouse is paid an allowance of ridiculous amount of money. So much that an indigent family could live comfortably for the year. Kind of makes you wonder why that money is not used for something else. Yeah thats tax payer money to pay for that by the way. Bottom line as talk assumes around the water cooler, if you're a con artist, you can be a politician. They talk a great game and what do they do when things aren't right....HEY, IT'S THE PRESIDENTS FAULT!! Give me a break. It's this country. We are corrupt from top to bottom. This is why I say this. Any country that allows you to sue a business because the coffee was too hot and you spilled it in your lap, we are destined for mediocrity and will play the blame game forever. It's always someone else's fault. Hell the government is suing the state of Arizona for a law put in place to protect the citizens of Arizona. What the hell kind of crap is that. You don't have to like President Obama but you can't blame hiim for everything. You have to look at your state representatives first before you step to that level. It's funny what you read in the Constitution. Dictatorship is not allowed in this country so how can one be blamed? I forgot, we're in the mighty USA and our Constitutional Rights say we can. I say read that document again in it's entirety and rethink your position but no harm if you want to think that. I'm not here to change your mind.
Now here's what I know is a fact. The President of the United States is the BOSS of the Armed Services. Those that wear the uniform answer to the President's beckoning call. Even though each service has a different birthdate, they all have one day in common....MEMORIAL DAY. Ceremonies take place all over the services to pay tribute to the fallen. This is our one united day. Anyone that holds that office, in the eyes of the servicemember, must be at one ceremony. They must place the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There have been several President's who have chosen to take a vacation during that time and had the Vice President, or someone else, do the job for the President. You can look on any wall in any company in the Armed Services and I can guarantee you will not see the Vice Presidents picture anywhere. Where you lead, we follow. So if you're telling me that Memorial Day isn't important to you, that behavior will trickle down and out fallen are just that, unimportant. I remember a time when the ceremony was announced on television before Memorial Day came. Then on Memorial Day, it was seen on every major channel. What happened? I was talking to this old Marine friend of mine and he summed it all up. He said. "Stretch, the generations from the 70's down were taught to be Americans. We've lost that somewhere when the Pledge was taken out of the schools." There's your government people. All put together by one old Marine. I leave you with this...............Who are you gonna vote for when the Senators and the Congressman takes the podium to profess their undying love for this country? Don't worry, I don't know either. Hard to trust someone you don't know. Thanks for stopping by Stretch's Corner.
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